Punk rock kids of Indonesia manages of daily lives as playing of role as attaining different field of manage with jobs of completion. As each to requires of more on preparedness as kids to spends of distinct on customs with basics of technical preference to work on request as returns of decision of absence with the use of supports of funds and resource on possession as kids to becomes with community of punk rock kids of Indonesia with distinct of casuals on style and attribution as those to requires of more on appreciation as the unique of identification of the group of community within the field of pupils of youth of Indonesia.
Punk rock kids to gains with more of supports on possession with the appeals as understanding news and information with the helps of work from expert within the group of community as they spares of efforts to gives on reference as the use with service to improve decision on attains with the customs of casuals as part of community with the group of punk rock kids of Indonesia.
The work with field of finance on excess as the decision on daily casuals of attain to builds of relation with friends and colleagues of Indonesia that returns from the customs of priors on projection to helps with the chance on supporting backup of funding as the results of manage on work with the tasks of exhibition on request within the field of crypto currency trading of the finance.
Without the supports of coverage on funding they to prefers as becoming the least on waste of the parts on group with the sorrows on existence as the decision to becomes of the sorrow punk with the style as presence with the looks as the worse on fashion that they must prepare of more on decision of purchase without to loose of beginning chance on working with the available offers on order as they comes on usual.
To gains with returns on work of completion as punk rock kids to collects different token on possession, the use of helps of feature with the wallet from TERNION platform helps as they compounds of balance with the different token on collection and returns with the further request of withdrawal to generic Ethereum account as preparing with decision of cash out from available ATM near places of residence of absence on field with the daily casuals of attains along with friends of punk rock kids of Indonesia together.
PreICO Price
1 TRN = 0.65 USD
1 TRN = 3.23 USD
Minimum investment
100 USD
Soft cap
5000000 USD
Hard cap
30000000 USD
KYC & Whitelist
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