The work on finance arbitraging to involves varies on type and characters with partisan of the business on field of different customs of technical arrange as competence that the decision to attains on table as disputing option as request with the exchange of disposition to requires of use with the functional platform as helps as gathering connection between or among the different users on entrance as each to works on following strategy according with details of customs with technical preference on distinctive with the initials.
The need as exchanging unit of currency to face of barriers with the entries as each with subjects on attendance to expends of distinct on selection as focusing priors on unit with identification of initials as might to refer with one on excessive as clients to collect with returns on consequence as expending with one as best on preference to match as fine to cover use with needs and requirements as attaining field of business with the inter regional transaction to complete as finish as preparing with terms on extensive to attains with the beginning entrance as disputing selection on unit of objective and running with the manage to follows of details with arrange on tasks of funds transmission as collaterally relating position between clients before to reach within the higher stages of level of compliance.
Different level on preparedness as clients with the field of arbitrage trading to expends of limit on token with the exchange as the need for returns with the dollar or different currency on request that the platform from MYTC offering option of trade with other clients with the field of entrance or to work on disputing lists of offer for returns with the exchange as substituting numbers with token on credit to manage of beginning request on entrance as preparing use on possession with the limit of exchange and follows as attaining shifts on stages as appealing plan of business as presettled on terms with the beginning entrance on field with the business on bitcoin finance.
The system as relying within the network of Ethereum server of ERC20 platform to returns with reference as clients to manage with the customs of decentralized as the decision on access to work on modest with personal strategics as applying use of selection on switches as formulation on algorithm to secure chance as accessing field with notice of reference as contains of valuable strings on request with the running examination to finish as best to match with objective on number as limit with target to complete as exchange with dislodgement.
Pre-ICO token supply: 50,000,000
ICO token supply: 112,000,000
Soft cap: 1,500ETH


Registration country: Australia

Token info

Ticker: MYTC
Type: Utility-token
Accepted currencies: ETH
Token distribution:
37.33% — TGE
25% — Reserve
18% — Team
16.66% — Pre-TGE
3% — Marketing
Funds allocation:
40% — Software Development
20% — Business Development
15% — Advisors
10% — Marketing
10% — Legal and Admin
5% — Contingency
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